Chris Collins
Lt. Chris Collins (Ret.) graduated from University of Illinois with a degree in Criminology and began his law enforcement career with the Kane County Sheriff’s Office in 1990 as an Auxiliary Deputy. In 1993 he attended the Police Training Institute at University of Illinois where he graduated first in his class and was awarded the Clifford Van Meeter Award for academic excellence. Over his 32 years in law enforcement Chris served the Sheriff’s Office in Operations, Patrol, Investigations, Civil Process, Community Policing, and Administration. He served as a Field Training Officer, SWAT Operator and Negotiations Response Team Officer and Supervisor; Public Information Officer; and Internal Affairs Investigator. Chris graduated from Northwestern’s School of Police Staff and Command in 2009 and was named Kane County Sheriff’s Office Employee of the Year in 2018.
Chris is certified as an instructor in Domestic Violence, Crisis Intervention, Crime Scene Investigation, and Instructor Development. He has served as the DV, Mental Health, and Crisis Intervention Unit Supervisors. He served on the Executive Boards for AFSCME and PBLC Unions, Kane County Safe Kids, Kane County Mental Health Coordinating Council, and the Domestic Violence Council for 16th/23rd Judicial Circuits. His speaking credits include State, Regional, and Local organizations on topics including mental health, domestic violence, officer wellness, crisis intervention, and de-escalation.
In May of 2022 Chris retired from the Sheriff’s Office to focus on teaching and speaking full time. He is co-founder and lead Instructor at Blue Line Training and Development where he is passionate about developing, empowering, and helping individuals realize and reach their full potential to become leaders at home, work, and in the communities where they live and serve.
At home Chris enjoys home improvement projects, cooking, camping, traveling, and spending time with his family and two dogs.
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