Course Schedule Swipe right on the table to see more Print Schedule Course Name Date Location Deadline Breach Point Feb. 21 Urbana SEATS AVAILABLE The Best Backup Feb. 22 Urbana SEATS AVAILABLE Avoiding Liability in Force Encounters and Search & Seizure Activities Feb. 24-25 Urbana SEATS AVAILABLE Illinois Vehicle Code Feb. 27-28 Danville Feb. 13 Evidence Based Interview & Interrogation Mar. 3-5 Urbana Feb. 17 SFST Refresher Mar. 11 Danville Feb. 25 Sexual Assault Trauma Informed Response Mar. 12 Urbana Feb. 26 Sexual Assault Investigator Mar. 13 Urbana Feb. 27 Breath Alcohol Testing Mar. 25 Danville Mar. 11 Field Training Today’s Hire Apr. 1-2 Champaign Mar. 18 Interview & Interrogation Techniques Apr. 3-4 Urbana Mar. 20 Juvenile Law Update Apr. 7 Urbana Mar. 24 Hostage Negotiations & Crisis Intervention, Phases I & II Apr. 7-11 Normal Mar. 24 Basic Instructor Development Apr. 8-11 Urbana Mar. 25 Hot Topics in Criminal Law Apr. 15 Urbana Apr. 1 Medical Fundamentals for Patrol Apr. 16 Urbana Apr. 2 First-Line Supervision Apr. 22-24 Urbana Apr. 8 Crime Scene Investigator II Apr. 28-May 2 Urbana Apr. 14 Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Basic May 5-9 Urbana Apr. 21 GLOCK Armorers Course May 6 Urbana Apr. 15 GLOCK Armorers Course May 7 Urbana Apr. 16 Living the Blue Life May 12-13 Urbana Apr. 28 Officer Health, Wellness and Fitness May 16 Champaign May 2 DUI Detection & Field Sobriety Testing May 19-21 Urbana May 5 Lead Homicide Investigator Jun. 2-6 Urbana May 19 Active Threat Response Jun. 13 Urbana May 30 Avoiding Preventable Use of Force Jun. 16 Champaign Jun. 2 + Export Events