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Course Name Date Location Deadline
Field Training Today’s Hire Apr. 1-2 Champaign Mar. 18
Interview & Interrogation Techniques Apr. 3-4 Urbana Mar. 20
Juvenile Law Update Apr. 7 Urbana Mar. 24
Hostage Negotiations & Crisis Intervention, Phases I & II Apr. 7-11 Normal Mar. 24
Basic Instructor Development Apr. 8-11 Urbana Mar. 25
Force Science – Fundamentals of Realistic De-Escalation Apr. 14 Urbana Mar. 31
Hot Topics in Criminal Law Apr. 15 Urbana Apr. 1
Medical Fundamentals for Patrol Apr. 16 Urbana Apr. 2
First-Line Supervision Apr. 22-24 Urbana Apr. 8
Crime Scene Investigator II Apr. 28-May 2 Urbana Apr. 14
Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Basic May 5-9 Urbana Apr. 21
GLOCK Armorers Course May 6 Urbana Apr. 15
GLOCK Armorers Course May 7 Urbana Apr. 16
Living the Blue Life May 12-13 Urbana Apr. 28
Officer Health, Wellness and Fitness May 16 Champaign May 2
DUI Detection & Field Sobriety Testing May 19-21 Urbana May 5
Lead Homicide Investigator Jun. 2-6 Urbana May 19
Active Threat Response Jun. 6 Urbana May 23
Avoiding Preventable Use of Force Jun. 16 Urbana Jun. 2
Autism for School-Based Law Enforcement Jul. 22 Urbana Jul. 8
Peer Support for 1st Responders Sep. 8-10 Urbana Aug. 25
Evidence Based Interview & Interrogation Sep. 23-25 Urbana Sep. 9
Social Networking & Cellphone Applications Investigations Oct. 16-17 Urbana Oct. 2
Human Trafficking Interdiction & Investigations Nov. 4-5 Urbana Oct. 21
Advanced Interview and Interrogation Dec. 16-18 Urbana Dec. 2
Identifying & Intercepting School Violence Through Leakage Jan. 12-14 Urbana Dec. 29
Supervising Patrol Critical Incidents Feb. 9-10 Urbana Jan. 26
Evidence Based Interview & Interrogation Mar. 24-26 Urbana Mar. 10
Juvenile Update – Effective Station Adjustment & Diversion Apr. 10 Urbana Mar. 27
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