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Kent Williams

Kent Williams is the owner of Breach Point Consulting and has been involved in law enforcement as a police officer for over 32 years.  He recently retired as Chief of Police for a Chicago area police department.  Now consulting full-time, he has served as the 2-term President of the Northern Illinois Critical Incident Stress Management Team where he still serves as a peer supporter for more than 20 years.  He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the University of Southern California’s Delinquency Control Institute, the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police, at Boston University, and the Buechner Institute for Governance’s Rocky Mountain Leadership Program at the University of Colorado.  He served as a Tactical Commander on a regional SWAT team serving 60 Chicago collar communities.  He has taught extensively on various courses related to leadership and organizational change.  Additionally he has taught for over 28 years on topics including use of force, weapons and tactics.

Through the development of Breach Point Consulting he has launched several courses, seminars and programs being taught on a national level, based upon the principles of Servant Leadership and how simple shifts in organizational perspective can profoundly reduce the stress, frustration and open anger expressed throughout the typical law enforcement agency.  At very little cost to a police organization Chief Williams has been teaching leaders how to negate the toxic work climate that can be caused by what he has termed “The Universal Police Frustrations.”  These misunderstood stressors are created by the unique combination of an effective police personality coupled with an efficient police culture.  The mix if not fully understood can be very destructive to an agency’s morale and reputation.  Additionally, it predictably places officers at risk for failed careers, marriages and relationships.  He sums this situation up by calling it, “The Caustic Risks of performing well in law enforcement.”

These efforts have led to groundbreaking ways agencies can create healthier more productive and loyal work groups who remain highly dedicated throughout their careers.  These same principles have been assisting officers themselves create a deeper more meaningful vocation in policing and developing a harmonious and rewarding personal life away from their career.  His work on the predictable transitional issues confronting the police officer’s family has led to numerous speaking engagements designed to keep the family of a police officer emotionally and spiritually healthy.

Chief Williams lives in Illinois with his wife and three children.  He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice Management from Aurora University, and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership from Judson University.

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