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Tracie Newton

Tracie Newton has served as the program manager for the Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registration Unit since January 2005. In her capacity as program manager, some of her responsibilities include:  ensuring that all information placed on the Illinois State Police Sex Offender Registry and Murderer & Violent Offender Against Youth Registry is correct, notifying registrants of violating their responsibilities under the Acts, providing training throughout the state, and reviewing all offender registration legislation introduced in the Illinois General Assembly.  Ms. Newton is a member of the Illinois Sex Offender Management Board (SOMB).  She has been employed with the Illinois State Police since 1993 and has held several positions within the agency.  Before her current position, she was assigned to the Office of Counterterrorism, and the Criminal Intelligence Bureau.  Ms. Newton received her undergraduate degree in 1991 from Eastern Illinois University.

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