Breath Alcohol Testing
Danville, IL 61832 + Google Map
This course is certified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.
Training Mandates
- Civil Rights (1hr)
- Constitutional Use of Law Enforcement Authority (1hr)
- Legal Updates (2hrs)
- Procedural Justice (2hrs)
This course will focus on drinking driver enforcement, pharmacological effects of alcohol, legal requirements of breath alcohol testing, operation and function of breath test equipment approved for use in Illinois, and extensive laboratory training in the actual use of breath test equipment. Students who complete and pass the state test will be certified and licensed as a Breath Alcohol Test Operator.
Due to the hands-on nature of this training, course enrollment will be strictly limited to twenty-five students.
This course is funded by the Police Training Board through a grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Traffic Safety.
- Detecting the Drinking Driver
- Physiology and Pharmacology of Alcohol
- Practical Operation of Breath Test Equipment
- Interpretation of Chemical Tests
- DUI Case Law in Illinois
- Alcohol Influence Report Forms
- Examination for Certification
Illinois State Police
Please register for this course by March 11.