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Physical Evidence in Burglary Investigations

by Imprimus Forensic Services

Jan. 21, 2020
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuition:  Free
ILEAS Training Center
1701 East Main St.
Urbana, IL 61802
+ Google Map


This course is certified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.

Training Mandates

This course meets state guidelines for the following mandated subject area:

  • Lead Homicide Recertifiction  (8 hrs. credit)


The most prolific serial criminal that any community will face is the burglary offender.  Driven by drugs, gambling debts or just day-to-day survival, a single individual will victimize a community until caught.  The successful prosecution of just one offender can have dramatic results on a crime rate.

This one-day interactive training session is designed for any detective assigned to burglary investigations, as well as crime scene technicians responsible for processing the burglary scene. Instruction will focus on residential and commercial burglaries and will include lecture, demonstrations, and physical props.  The program will be conducted by Imprimus Forensic Services from Arlington Heights, Illinois.


  • Review of Legal Definitions
  • Modus Operandi Considerations
  • Common Means of Entry (Forced, Unforced, Ruse)
  • Scene Processing Procedures
  • Event Reconstruction
  • Use of DNA and Fingerprint Technologies
  • The Value of Tire Track Evidence
  • Evidence Report Writing Considerations
  • Importance of Pawn Shop Searches
  • Handling Recovered Proceeds
  • Case Studies


Michael Wasowicz, Lead Instructor
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