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Sexual Assault Trauma Informed Response

Mandated Training for Illinois Police Officers

Mar. 29, 2021
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuition:  Free
ILEAS Training Center
1701 East Main St.
Urbana, IL 61802
+ Google Map


This course is certified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.

Training Mandates

This course meets state guidelines for the following mandated subject areas:

  • Law Update  (annual)
  • Civil Rights  (3 year)
  • Constitutional & Proper Use of Authority  (3 year)
  • Human Rights  (3 year)
  • Procedural Justice  (3 year)
  • Sexual Assault Trauma Informed Response  (3 year)


Trauma Informed, Victim Centered Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse training will provide new perspectives on understanding sex assault victims and will cover best practices for investigating sex crimes.  Instruction will address trauma informed interviews, neurobiology and the brain, hospital protocols, requirements under the Sexual Assault Incident Procedure Act, and other relevant topics.  The course will be conducted by law enforcement, legal, and medical practitioners who are certified to deliver the curriculum.

This course meets mandated training requirements for all sworn officers as set forth in the Sexual Assault Incident Procedure Act (Public Act 99-0801).

COVID Guidelines & Protections


  • Statistics and Common Rape Myths
  • Neurobiology and the Brain
  • The Initial Interview
  • Report Writing
  • Evidence Collection
  • Role of the Rape Advocate
  • Considerations at the Emergency Room
  • Sexual Assault Incident Procedure Act (SAIPA)
  • Trauma Informed Interview of the Victim
  • Age Sensitive Victims


Cordelia Coppleson, Assistant Attorney General
Office of the Illinois Attorney General

John Arizzi, Commander
Lockport Police Department

Patty Metzler, RN, SANE-A, SANE-P
Carle Foundation Hospital


Please register for this course by March 15.