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Avoiding Preventable Use of Force

Presented by Calibre Press

Jun. 16, 2025
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuition:  Free
ILEAS Training Center
1701 East Main St.
Urbana, IL 61802
+ Google Map


This course is certified by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board.

Training Mandates

  • Legal Updates (1.5 hrs.)
  • Procedural Justice (3.0 hrs.)
  • De-escalation Techniques (1.5 hrs.)
  • Officer Safety Techniques (1 hr.)


During this 8-hour ILETSB-certified course, highly experienced national trainer, Lt. Jim Glennon (ret.), will dissect real-world force encounters, recorded on body cameras, with the goal of identifying what, if anything, could have been done to reduce or avoid the need to use force. This course is designed to realistically consider human factors limitations that impact officers’ mental and physical performance in high-stress, time-compressed circumstances.


  • Acute stress and its impact on officer decision making and performance
  • High-tension interaction strategies designed to depressurize subjects in crisis
  • Legal, ethical and tactical considerations regarding use of force
  • Effective tactical communication
  • Myths and realities of de-escalation
  • Responsibilities of command staff & trainers to thoroughly prepare officers to apply a force-avoidance skillset to forestall the need for force, when possible


Jim Glennon

Jim Glennon, Lieutenant (Ret.)
Calibre PressRead more


Please register for this course by June 2.